Monday, July 20, 2009


Hi All,
Quick post. I am in the midst of applying to lots of residency programs and find myself straying from the path with such nice weather. Balance is a hard thing to achieve. Below is a new drawing I recently completed. Also, the second This Collective Pull will be opening in late August. This time I am lucky enough to be collaborating with two dear friends, Julie O'Boyle and Chris Sharp. Keep your eyes peeled for the invite and roster of artist! All the best!

Bea Modisett. Charcoal and pastel on paper. 32" x 32". 2009
(If you click on the photo, you will get a larger image that will show you better detail and surface quality!)

1 comment:

deedle said...

Wow, I can almost describe what this drawing is doing, but I keep getting lost in the description.