Monday, July 1, 2013

Feeling Inspired

I had a great conversation with a good friend the other day. It wasn't necessarily an easy one, but I left it feeling optimistic and inspired and set on being the best person I can be. I wrote down four pages of notes to remind myself to hold on to those feelings. Below are some excerpts that, days later, resonate the most: 

Don't get too hungry, angry, lonely or tired. (The acronym H.A.L.T is used by individuals trying to cope with substance abuse, but I think we all can learn a little something from it.)

Call people.

Write more, read more, think more, paint more.

Be more giving of your talents.

Keep some happiness to yourself, but share some too.

Practice patience and loving kindness.

Don't stagnate. 

Stop making excuses.

Be honest.

I told myself I'd have a brush in hand by 12:30 today and that hour is fast approaching. 

Hugs and kisses,


*I can't believe I actually got to experience this in person. 

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