Sunday, February 3, 2013


- Two nights ago a giant rat ran by my feet while I sat in a dirty, dark alley eating the best bowl of pho 
  I've ever eaten.
- I visited a pottery village yesterday, and an ocean and three islands. I rented a bike for $1.00 and rode
  it all day.
- I just left a magic city where there were lanterns everywhere and it made me think of my friends 
  back home.  (Hoi An, Vietnam)
- I am writing a lot about painting and reading a lot about the creation and study of the universe - I don't
  really understand either.
- I can now cross "eat an entire pineapple like it is an ear of corn" off of my list of things to do.
- I listened to a Ray Charles album this evening which made me want to drink wine so I did that.
- For the first time on this trip I got a pretty rough case of the I Miss You Blues yesterday. Even though
  I am meeting lots of interesting people and seeing lots of interesting things I don't have the hugs,
  laughs, or conversations that are in such good supply back home. Remedy: Jerry Seinfeld/Mitch
  Hedburg standup + two hour nap + huge amount of food...and ice cream.

I felt much better. 

I am taking an 8:00AM bus to Phnom Penh, Cambodia tomorrow and hopefully meeting up with my Australian friends from Thailand and Laos. Ho Chi Minh City is INSANE. 

I took a plane today - my backpack weights 12.7 kilos.

I just ate more ice cream - it's very warm here.

I miss you guys, thanks for reading, you da' bomb,


MLM said...

"Jerry Seinfeld / Mitch Hedburg standup"? Sounds like a certain iPod I know...


I've always thought that one has never really lived until they've eating a pineapple like a corn of cob. Congrats. And continue to have an amazing trip!

Bea Modisett said...

Citrus is fun.

Bea said...

MLM - I love it...thank you.